#Createathome Design Contest

Together with our friends from Converse Cons we are hosting the #createathome design contest. We want to encourage creativity during this time and reward the best designs/designers with Civil Gift cards and their design printed on either a T Shirt or Stickers..

Grand Prize Winner will receive a $500 Civil Gift Card and their design printed on a T-Shirt

2nd Place will receive a $300 Civil Gift Card and their design printed on stickers

3rd Place receives a $100 Civil Gift Card

4th & 5th will receive $50 Civil Gift Cards each

Please submit all designs by sending an email to contact@wearecivil.com (jpg/pdf/psd preferred) Please make the subject. “Create At Home”

*All designs will become property of Civil for exchange of Gift Cards

Contest ends on May 3rd

Lets see what ya got!